If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.
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What’s the Time Bank Mahoning Watershed?
 The Time Bank Mahoning Watershed is an independent grass-roots, non-profit organization that promotes and enables sharing skills and time among its members. Unlike a barter club, we value the community connections that are made as much as the exchange itself and we actively draw out the hidden talents and unfulfilled aspirations of our members.
What is it, really?
TBMW is a member-run service that builds community and true security. A free online database program manages both the directory of services & requests and an accounting system for keeping track of Hours.
Where is the Time Bank Mahoning Watershed Located?
The Time Bank is both a virtual and real community. It is located in a four county region comprised of Trumbull, Mahoning, Columbiana in Ohio, and Mercer in Pennsylvania. The area surrounds Youngstown, Ohio 44501. Our members are on line at www.tbmw.org. We meet both regularly and where ever two or more members meet. See our upcoming events. All meetings are open to the public. “Helpers” assist members with exchanges and managing their accounts.
Who Coordinates the service exchange program?
Click “Contact form”
or write to TBMW
c/o Tony Budak
1559 Warner Rod
Hubbard, OH
In addition Click Core Coordinators Team to find help.
How does a service exchange work?
A Time Bank is a community of people who support each other. When you spend an hour to do something for an individual or group, you earn a Time Dollar. Then you can use that Time Dollar to buy an hour of a neighbor’s time or engage in a group activity offered by a neighbor. Take a look at the Time Banking Way cartoon to see some examples! (Click) [br] It’s that simple. Yet it also has profound effects. You get to know your neighbors and build an old-fashioned extended family of people who take care of each other. Time Banks change whole communities.
Where do Hours come from?
“In Community We Trust” is literally true as we honor each others requests for services. You earn a spend able time credit by working. Membership doesn’t “take” time, it exchanges time. Everyone in our community has skills to share and benefits to gain by participating. Members are encouraged to value all skills equally at one Hour per hour worked. When the task is done, the number of Hours of service are entered into the Community Weaver accounting system.
What if I go into huge debt?
If you do, someone working for the Exchange may offer to help you identify and provide services. Going into debt by asking for more help than you have in Hours is OK. The goal over time is to balance giving and receiving services.
What if I am not satisfied with a service?
TBMW does not guarantee the performance of anyone who is referred, nor will TBMW or members acting on its behalf be held responsible for any injury to persons or damage to property experienced during the exchange. Upon joining the TBMW everyone must sign weavers of liability, to hold harmless both Time Bank members and the TBMW organization as well as agree to norms of behavior, consent to a background check and meet face to face with an intake coordinator for evaluation and skill set determination.
What kind of services are typically offered by Exchange members?
What does it cost?
Time Banks that received donations are organizations that succeed over time. For the past 4 years Time Bank Mahoning Watershed has been able to succeed with private support, but now we ask for your help. As a Member you are automatically emailed a letter asking for an annual donation of dollars and time. Your account will be debited 2 hours on the anniversary of your join date. We are asking you to consider a donation of $25 to $100 dollars—or whatever you feel you can afford. These precious dollars will be used to support our website, administrative costs, marketing, and social event costs. Time Bank members build community. Members learn from one another, care for friends and neighbors, and take responsibility by building a better future. We believe in our capacity to work together Co-Producing vibrant, healthy, and sustainable communities and your gift helps us all to realize our goals.
Send your tax deductible gift today to:
Time Bank Mahoning Watershed
1559 Warner Road
Hubbard, OH 44425
Thank you for helping! Thank you for caring.
What if I don’t want to use a computer?
You can call a Helper to search for a service, put in a request, or update your personal info. [br] You can use the form here to record exchanges: TBMW Service Exchange Reports and this form to report your hours to the coordinators: TBMW Community Service Hours Completed form
What if I have Hours and move away?
TBMW will attempt to exchange your credit with any alternative currencies in your new area.
Tell me about TimeBanking Special Projects. How Can I Help?
Just call and let us know your interest area. Time Banking projects are being used all over the world in all kinds of ways from elder care, school peer based tutoring, youth courts, paying time dollars for medical, housing and legal costs. TimeDollars are even being used in Maine to pay community college tuition!

Voices of the TimeBank Community

TimeBank Mahoning Watershed welcomes testimonials from you!

Please tell us about your service exchange transactions, your experiences and suggestions regarding social gatherings and projects, or any feature of  Time Banking you wish to make known.

Lets hear your thoughts about Co-Production or Core Economy topics and novel ideas for the use of the Time Bank process.

 Please contact us with your testimonial

Thank you for your continued participation and support!

Some Testimonials…

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Time Bank Models

Time banking is a tool for building community

– here are some examples of how organisations around the UK are using this tool. If you develop a new way of using this tool please let us know and we can add it to this list.


Person to Person Model (1 to 1 exchanges)

•    A mutual (open) credit system where credit only exists between individuals
•    Exchanges take place between individuals initially set up by a central hub
•    Facilitates acts of neighbourliness between individuals

•    Time bank often established as a project within a ‘host organisation’
•    When an individual joins the bank they are asked to list the skills they can share and the skills they would like to receive
•    Exchanges are co-ordinated and recorded by a broker
•    Type of exchanges is governed by skills available within the membership
•    Project is evaluated by number of time bank members, number of exchanges taking place

Factors for Success
•    Supportive host with organisation-wide understanding of time banking
•    Funding for a time bank broker and project manager
•    Core group of local supporters
•    Visible location (e.g. shop front)
•    Clear definition and understanding of project area (geographically & operationally)
•    Links to local community sector

Potential Problems
•    Need to avoid over-reliance on the broker by members when setting up exchanges and activities
•    Important to ensure that the time bank is embedded within the organisation and able to extend/ improve existing activities as well as developing new ones
•    Important to have sufficient resources to manage the administration of 1-to-1 exchanges

Examples from London
•    Rushey Green Time Bank: launched in 2000 this project is housed within a doctors surgery, although it is an independent registered charity.

Agency to Client Model (Specialist time banking)

•    A mutual (open) credit system, where credit exists between agency/ organisation and person
•    Activity is themed, based around specialist skills of agency leading the time bank
•    Time banking embedded within an existing organisation, vol or statutory

•    Members earn credits for active engagement in community activities
•    Type of activity undertaken is linked to the organisation running the time bank (e.g. Groundwork running environmental clean-ups)
•    Credits can be cashed in for rewards, which are decided by group
•    Rewards reinforce the theme of the activity and make it possible for future learning and activity
•    Rewards are themed to compliment focus of work (e.g. Groundwork’s focus on environmental work means that rewards might be a trip to Kew gardens).

Factors for success
•    Community group keen to develop greater community working
•    Organisation able to secure/ provide suitable rewards

Potential Problems
•    Having a single themed activity may reduce appeal of time bank to wide range of members
•    Focus and funding of time banking organisation may actively exclude certain community members
•    Organisations may encounter difficulties sourcing funding for ‘rewards’

Examples from London
•    Whittington Time Exchange: based within a school, children earn time credits for playground duty, helping with school events, looking after the buddy bench and the prayer room. Rewards can be cashed in for group trips e.g. XXX that are paid for in time credits
•    ‘Y’ Bank, Tower Hamlets:  This project works with young people who learn new skills and earn rewards when undertaking environmental clearances in their local area

Organisational Time Banking

•    A mutual (open) credit system where credit exists between agencies
•    Used to facilitate exchanges between organisations for mutual benefit and enhance use of scarce or under utilised resources

•    Time bank can be established within an existing ‘hub’ or to set up a new network of organisations (may be based around a geographical area or a specific skill/ activity)
•    When an organisation joins the bank they list the resources and services they have available and the type of help they would like to receive
•    Exchanges are recorded by a ‘broker’ or network co-ordinator
•    Type of exchanges is governed by what is available within the membership but likely to be both resources (e.g. an underused minibus) and skills (e.g. help with writing a funding proposal)

Factors for Success
•    Supportive network of organisations with understanding of time banking
•    Funding for a time bank co-ordinator, or lead organisation
•    Particularly useful when organisations have underused resources
•    Core group of local organisations with a variety of resources and needs
•    Strong local community sector with a history of working together previously

Potential Problems
•    Requires membership to be a range of organisations and resources in order to meet a variety of needs
•    All organisations need to give and receive
Examples from London
Poss Lewisham Community Development Partnership?

Institutional time banking

•    A mutual (open) credit system, where credit exists between agency/ organisation and person
•    Time bank is situated within an employment setting, with membership of the time bank open to employees, staff, students, etc
•    Activity may be themed around particular needs of agency leading the time bank or may be more focused on meeting personal needs of staff/ employees
•    Using time banking tool to create learning organisations

•    To develop a pool of staff who can recognise and develop a wider range of skills than those required directly for their job role
•    The time banking tool is a mechanism for creating ‘learning organisations’ by providing a framework that enables individuals to enhance their professional and personal development and build social and professional networks
•    A broker works with individuals and organisations to identify skills and resources that they have, and those they need access to or wish to develop for themselves

Factors for Success
•    A core group of individuals and organisations interested in becoming involved
•    Everyone involved must have something they need and something they can give

Potential Problems
•    important for staff to recognise and receive personal benefits to ensure the time bank doesn’t become a way to get more out of people
•    wide mix of skills and resources, possibly themed around specific outcomes e.g. personal development, training

Examples from London
Poss: Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery ‘Time and talent’ bank: Currently in development this project would use the time banking tool to develop a pool of people who can exchange expertise, extend and enhance the range and flexibility of programmes that the school can offer.

Agency to Client Model

•    A fiat (closed) credit system, with credits originating from the ‘bank’
•    Initial time audit establishes current level of active community involvement
•    Number of credits available is based in time audit and projections for future involvement

•    Members earn credits for active engagement in community activities
•    Credits can be cashed in for rewards
•    Rewards are themed to compliment focus of work (e.g. Groundwork’s focus on environmental work means that rewards might be exchanged for garden tools or a trip to Kew gardens).
•    The awards reinforce the theme of the activity and make it possible for future learning and activity
•    Aim is to look at community holistically, not to draw artificial distinctions between community and individual. Therefore a group engaged in communal environmental work would earn credits to be spent on own garden
•    Brochures and leaflets are created to advertise the rewards

Factors for success
•    Community group keen to develop greater community working
•    Organisations and individuals keen to complete active community audits
•    Necessary time and support time available for new groups when developing the approach

Potential Problems
•    Organisation may face difficulties in funding ‘rewards’
•    Project may initially face difficulties in expecting people to ‘pay’ with credits for activities that were previously free
•    Time credits can develop monetary value through comparison with rewards

Valleys Kids, Wales: focus on working with young people to enable them to earn credits from being engaged in generating community improvements through the ‘Give and Take’ club

Time Centre Model

•    A fiat (closed) credit system, with credits originating from the ‘bank’
•    The time banking tool addresses problems of under capacity and ensures that those people taking part are actively involved

•    The time bank is based within an existing community centre
•    Requires an initial time audit of centre and all activities that take place
•    Centre is able to introduce a dual finance system with people able to pay in time credits or cash for activities that they take part in (e.g. music concerts, theatre)
•    Community members are encouraged to earn time credits in a variety of ways including assisting with the running and management of existing activities or developing their own community building projects.
•    Value assigned to activities is based on number of hours they take (e.g. theatrical performance is 2 hours long so costs 2 credits)

Factors for success
•    This model helps to establish local community centres as true community resources
•    Can assist in building attendance for activities that are currently underused

Potential problems
•    Requires an existing community centre
•    Requires the buy in of existing community users (both individuals and projects)

Blangarw Workmen’s Hall: This community centre based in the Welsh valleys host a variety of weekly and one-off activities all of which can be paid for with cash or time credits.

Time Network Model

•    A fiat (closed) credit system, with credits originating from the ‘bank’
•    All local service providers, voluntary and statutory use time banking as their currency to recognise and reward community involvement

•    The time bank is based within an existing time centre but develops to incorporate service providers in the wider area
•    Requires an initial time audit
•    Creates local consistency so that local residents see their contribution valued in the same way no matter which activity or service they are interacting with

Factors for success
•    Time is required to embed the time banking tool with local service providers
•    A broad understanding and acceptance of the time banking principles, particularly of ‘give and take’ is necessary across all service providers

Potential problems
•    Important that the use of and accounting for time credits is standardized across all agencies otherwise consistency is threatened

Glyn Coch Communities First: This community centre based in the Welsh valleys is extending its time centre in order to link in with all local service providers.


Schedule a TimeBank Presentation
with your group, program, or organization

PresentationInvite us to introduce TimeBanking to your friends, relatives, neighbors, co-workers, or the leaders of your organization.

Remember both the TimeBank service exchange membership and presentation is free. We are always delighted to tell you and your group the TimeBank Story.

The awareness Presentation can take from 10 minutes to an hour and half. Please tell us, how we can accommodate your meeting agenda framework. Also available as a mentor and coach working virtually.

Learn why a service exchange  works to achieve your personal and organization goals. Click “Contact Us”, and tell us if you are interested.

Local Groups, Projects, Steering Committees or Area Hubs

Org Chart Champion Coordinator – for a Group or Hub

A Service Exchange Network is comprised of many  unique group identities. It’s up to the group to choose a name and goal and who they wish to be i.e., Neighborhood Group, Community Group, Club, Project, Program, Kitchen Cabinet and or Organization.
These groups are lead by Champions and referred to as clusters and or hubs.

A Time bank Hub in any given neighborhood, community, or program based organization may elect its own Steering Committee or Kitchen Cabinet, made up of a representative sampling of members which will make day-to-day policy decisions for that Time bank. While they may have different outreach strategies for their group, they continue to operate under the broader policy structure provided by the Time Bank Mahoning Watershed and determined by the TBMW Board of Directors.

There are start up local network nodes within the Time Bank Mahoning Watershed Network, for example, programs Organizations or Hubs that use the Time Bank service exchange program.

Please contact us if you wish to CHAMPION  a Time Bank Group, Cluster or Hub Account. Time Bank accounts are available at no cost.

Member-led Network Core Lead Persons











If you want to help in needed, TimeBank Staff and Committee Work, please Click “Contact Us” and tell us which of the Coordinator’s roles that are listed below is most suitable to fulfill your wishes.

Time Bank Champion – Group / Hub Coordinator

Time Bank Ambassador –  Member Recruitment
Jan Bolchalk
Cindie Brown
Maxina Aurora Gohlke
Rachel Rogers
Sally Perunko
Rose Kosko
Carly Klempay
Madelyne Navarro
Sharon Perel
Tony Budak

Membership Coordinator – Member Orientation, ‘Keeping in Touch’; Making matches
Cindie Brown
Sally Perunko
Jan Bolchalk
Rose Kosko
Tony Budak

Events Coordinator – Focuses on all group activities of the Time Bank
Rachel Rogers
Rose Kosko
Tony Budak

Webmaster – Training New Members on On-Line Time Banking; Running the on-line community page
Maxina Gohlke
Tony Budak

Administration – Collecting dues, Financials/Budgeting, Fund raising
Tony Budak
Jennie Dennison-Budak
Mary Kay Wilburn
Maxina Gohlke

Team Leader Makes sure that everyone is happily taking responsibility for their role.
Tony Budak

Want to be a part of our Time Bank!  Click “Contact Us”, and tell us how you wish to be involved in building a service exchange community.

Ambassador Role

The Time Bank Ambassador role focuses on community outreach to prospective new members