Grow: Raising the Value of Learning and Doing

Let’s Co-produce
Raising the Value of Learning and Doing
by the application of time currency
to activities with groups and networks

All conveners, change-makers, host facilitators, and coaches are invited
to co-create unique people-led projects by involving the people who will benefit in

the Design – Development – Delivery – Defense
of projects within the emergent Solidarity Economy 

Our intended audience is connected and thriving communities
where people not only know one another by name.
But are inspired to meet each other’s needs, share their resources and
knowledge, and collectively build the world they dream is possible.

AKA “Sustainable Economies through Community Organizations”

What would a unique project be, you ask?
It’s something that you and your group would co-produce and love to see possible?
What are your thoughts? Get in touch, see contact info below.

JOIN and GROW The Learning Network – Click Here

Stay Safe and Well, Tony Budak
P.S. All unpaid work sharing ideas, hosting events,attending gatherings,
providing services, accrues valuable Credits in the Learn & Do Network.