2024 Change-Making Goals


Tony Budak

Convener, Mentor, Facilitator

Location: Hubbard, Ohio

Email: TonyBudak@TBMW.org

Website: www.TBMW.org

Cell: 330-716-2722




2024 Change-Making Goals


  • A network that supports you and believes in your change work
  • Be connected to someone / Resources / Referrals
  • Partners — collaborators / Peer 2 Peer chats /
  • Worker Co-operatives / Labor Management Relations
  • Speaking opportunities
  • Mentorship — offering/receiving
  • Complimentary Currencies
  • Individual / Social / Economic Development
  • Behavioral Change


  • Develop a commitment pool,
  • Co-Producing Lifelong Learning
  • Local Community Economic Development



A Community of Practice – A Learning Network

Hello Colleagues,
You’re cordially invited to an emerging community of practice with


Raising the Value of Learning with time currency in shared activities
The structural characteristics of a community of practice are defined as
a domain of knowledge, a notion of community and a diversity of practice:

What is the Domain?  An ecosystem in terms of Raising the Value of Learning
A domain of knowledge creates common ground, inspires members to participate, guides their learning, and gives meaning to their actions.
Who is the Community?  Membership in The Learning Network (commons)
The notion of a community creates the social fabric for that learning. A strong community fosters interactions and encourages a willingness to share ideas.

How to Practice?  Applying time currency to community learning activities 
While the domain provides the general area of interest for the community, the practice is the specific focus around which the community develops, shares and maintains its core of knowledge.

Grow: Raising the Value of Learning and Doing

Let’s Co-produce
Raising the Value of Learning and Doing
by the application of time currency
to activities with groups and networks

All conveners, change-makers, host facilitators, and coaches are invited
to co-create unique people-led projects by involving the people who will benefit in

the Design – Development – Delivery – Defense
of projects within the emergent Solidarity Economy 

Our intended audience is connected and thriving communities
where people not only know one another by name.
But are inspired to meet each other’s needs, share their resources and
knowledge, and collectively build the world they dream is possible.

AKA “Sustainable Economies through Community Organizations”

What would a unique project be, you ask?
It’s something that you and your group would co-produce and love to see possible?
What are your thoughts? Get in touch, see contact info below.

JOIN and GROW The Learning Network – Click Here

Stay Safe and Well, Tony Budak
P.S. All unpaid work sharing ideas, hosting events,attending gatherings,
providing services, accrues valuable Credits in the Learn & Do Network.

Time for Raising the Value of Learning 

Dear Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to an emerging community of practice.
Sunrise on the Mahoning Watershed

The Learning Network is Raising the Value of Learning
by the application of time currency to community learning activities

Drop In –
September 29, 2020, Tuesday, at 10 am CST / 11am EST

  1. Download Zoom for audio/video and then close it.
  2. Go to our event page and enter a guest username.
  3. Click “Join Video”
  • Welcome (Tony)
  • Orient to tech
  • Mindful Opening (Beth)
  • Summary
    • ‘Raising the Value of Learning’ considers the beginning of a
      new ‘learning currency’, created by the agreement of different
      players in the ‘learning system’ to give and receive time,
      recorded in the form of ‘Time to Learn Credits’ (TLCs).
  • Check in Question (Divide into breakout rooms if the group is more than 9 or so.)
    • Name. How did you come to RVL? What do you want/ need
      from a “Community of Practice” to stay engaged and be creative?
  • Activity/ Focus/ Intention/ Creation: Building Community
    • What are you currently doing with RVL?
  • Determine Next Steps
    • Where do we want to go from here?
  • Action Items and Accountability
    • For next week we will…
  • Optimistic Closing
    • One word or a phrase to describe the experience today.

Stay Safe – Stay Well,
Cheers, Beth,Tony, Gwen

06-26-2020 TimeBank Mahoning Watershed “Newsletter”

Dear Colleagues,

With the spread of COVID-19 worldwide, many events in our community have been canceled or postponed. In the interest of public health, TimeBank Mahoning Watershed now works remotely until we are cleared, and we suspended until further notice all our in-person events.

TimeBank Mahoning Watershed is operational sharing ideas and content through the 2020 four new digital applications.

  1. TimeBank Mahoning Watershed hosting scheduled interactive video discussions, Open Topics Agenda: Learning About Options for the Future, what would we love to see possible? https://tbmw.org/watershed-gardens/ 


  1. Ann Arbor Community Commons conversation forum – Exploring and implementing an Ann Arbor Center of the City Commons Local Currency and Trading Exchange System as a formation and startup driver for the Commons 29.2020   http://timebankswork.net/forum/ 


  1. Mahoning Watershed Learning board – Raising the Value of Learning, ‘Raising the Value of learning’ considers the co-production of a new ‘learning currency’, created by the agreement of different players in the ‘learning system’ to give and receive time, recorded in the form of ‘Time to Learn Credits’ (TLCs). http://timebankswork.net/forum/ 


  1. TimeBanks Work, email list – an announcement and discussion list service to link all of the above application. Topic, Raising the Value of Learning
    subscribe: <mailto:timebankswork-subscribe@lists.riseup.net> 
    unsubscribe: <mailto:timebankswork-unsubscribe@lists.riseup.net>

Please join the above virtual operations, simply read our newsletters, and engage as you wish. FYI – When anyone works in the unpaid core economy, I invite them to join a local TimeBank, then administration, meeting practices, and all unpaid work efforts are thanked and documented with spendable Time Credits. A Super COOL way to learn and volunteer!

We look forward to hosting other events as soon as possible.
Thanks for creating our tomorrows,
Tony Budak, CEO

A Conversation with Gwendolyn Hallsmith

TimeBank Mahoning Watershed Conversations
Learning About Options for the Future

Hi There,
Welcome to video conversations in a virtual garden habitat. 
Our guest Gwendolyn Hallsmith, is the founder and Executive Director of Global Community Initiatives, a non-profit organization established in 2002 to work with communities to implement the Earth Charter.

1) author of three books and workbooks on monetary reform and complementary currencies,
2) founder of the Headwaters Garden and Learning Center, an ecovillage and community land trust in Cabot, Vermont,
3) City planner and author of the 100-year planning methodology used by cities all over the world, including Calgary, Alberta, Newburgh, NY, and Montpelier, VT,
4) musical parody songwriter and singer.

We’ll talk about what we would love to be possible in our future. “So you want to start a Commons?” Simply follow the prompts below.

1 – Download Zoom for audio/video and then close it.
2 – Go to our event page and enter a guest username.
3 –  Click “Join Video”.

Join us,
Wednesday, 10:30 AM EDT, June 17, 2020
Please pass this invite to your colleagues.

A QiqoChat/Zoom set up problem, call my cell 330-716-2722
I can’t wait to see and hear from you.
Stay Safe – Stay Well, Tony Budak

Do It Yourself Send an engaging invitation, to your colleagues
to gather at a date and time using the above prompts.

A Conversation with Matthew Slater












TimeBank Mahoning Watershed Conversations
Learning About Options for the Future

Hi There,
Welcome to video conversations in a virtual garden habitat. 
Our Guest Matthew Slater, Community Currency Engineer asks, “So you want to start a TimeBank?”

  • Matt Slater’s been writing free open-source timebanking/LETS software since 2008. Matthew co-created the Money & Society MOOC https://mooc1.communityforge.net   And he designed a commons money system http://creditcommons.net  with LETS, Software, Monetary theory, and a Credit commons.
  • Matt wants to know who are you? And what Timebank do you imagine?
  • And he asks that you donate to HELP OUT THE HUMANS.

We’ll talk about what we would love to be possible in our future.
Simply follow the prompts below.

1 – Download Zoom for audio/video and then close it.
2 – Go to our event page and enter a guest username.
3 –  Click “Join Video”.

Join us,
Wednesday, 10:30 AM EDT, June 10, 2020
Please pass this invite to your colleagues.

A QiqoChat/Zoom set up problem, call my cell 330-716-2722
I can’t wait to see and hear from you.
Stay Safe – Stay Well, Tony Budak

Do It Yourself Send an engaging invitation, to your colleagues
to gather at a date and time using the above prompts.

An Invitation to the Global Teach-In





TimeBank Mahoning Watershed Conversations
comprising Ann Arbor, MI & the Great Lakes Area

Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 10:00 AM EDT

Hi There, Welcome to video conversations in a virtual garden habitat.

TimeBank Mahoning Watershed is hosting scheduled interactive video discussions where you co-create an agenda of topics in real-time on themes and questions that matter to you.

1. Download Zoom for audio/video and then close it.

2. Go to our event page and enter a guest username.

3. Click “Join Video”.

Global Teach-In FLYER.pdf

Global Teach-In, Democratizing the Crisis, May 26, Tuesday 2020

  • Why: We believe that the role of leaders today is changing from heroes to hosts.
  • How: We are hosting conversations for leaders to listen, learn, and lead.
  • What: Our purpose is to host safe harbors of thoughtful conversations where people develop both the clarity and commitment to lead.

TBMW & QiqoChat co-created Mahoning Watershed Garden Conversations a website that provides free online video conferencing for those of us interested in talking about ideas. The site, based on learning visits to Natural Habitats or Gardens, is a new take on the breakout room model and is available 24/7. The Watershed with its Gardens is inviting, relaxing and stress-free. You can use this site for communicating with the public or each other about ideas that matter.

We hope you’ll join usTime: The (Tuesday) May 26, 2020 Global Teach-In will be held on 10:00 Eastern Daylight Time and 16:00 Central European Time at a Watershed & Garden Conversation.

A problem with Qiqo/Zoom set up, call my cell 330-716-2722, for help.

Please pass this invite to your colleagues.

I can’t wait to see and hear from you.
Cheers, Tony Budak

P.S. Also you may Do It Yourself – When you wish to host a conversation, simply send an engaging invitation to your colleagues to gather at a date and time, at Mahoning Watershed Garden Conversations at https://mahoning.qiqochat.com/