2024 Change-Making Goals
Tony Budak
Convener, Mentor, Facilitator
Location: Hubbard, Ohio
Email: TonyBudak@TBMW.org
Website: www.TBMW.org
Cell: 330-716-2722
2024 Change-Making Goals
- Develop local sustainability using time currencies in shared activities;
https://TBMW.org — https://actionguide.localfutures.org/ - Raising the Value of Learning using time currency in shared activities;
- A network that supports you and believes in your change work
- Be connected to someone / Resources / Referrals
- Partners — collaborators / Peer 2 Peer chats /
- Worker Co-operatives / Labor Management Relations
- Speaking opportunities
- Mentorship — offering/receiving
- Complimentary Currencies
- Individual / Social / Economic Development
- Behavioral Change
- Develop a commitment pool,
- Co-Producing Lifelong Learning
- Local Community Economic Development
- Co-Producing: Lifelong Learning / Complimentary Currencies
- Inviting you to discuss interests & possible pro bono collaboration.
- Look & Book a meet: https://pickatime.acuityscheduling.com/