TimeBank Mahoning Watershed welcomes testimonials from you!
Please tell us about your service exchange transactions, your experiences and suggestions regarding social gatherings and projects, or any feature of Time Banking you wish to make known.
Lets hear your thoughts about Co-Production or Core Economy topics and novel ideas for the use of the Time Bank process.
Please contact us with your testimonial
Thank you for your continued participation and support!
Some Testimonials…
Dennis Spisak Testimonial
I am happy to join the Time bank to meet other progressives who want to help each other and the Youngstown area grow. We need new ideas and people helping people build new communities. We need more people to help others become successful and help our community have a better and brighter future.
Jackie Yohn Testimonial
The Time Bank is such an exciting and rewarding experience and I must thank Tony Budak for his leadership, his tenacity, his time, and his dedication to bringing this Time Bank to life. I hope we can all take his lead to heart and help make this Time Bank a driving force in our Valley. There is no better time than the present to utilize all that it has to offer and make it work. Please try to find some time to really check out the website, find a service to trade and enjoy the experience, check out some meetings, hang up some flyers, find an organization (maybe even your own) that would be perfect to join the Time Bank, plan a potluck or group project to help those in our community, or just simply tell some friends and colleagues about us – we need a group effort to grow our Time Bank. Thanks for being a part and doing your part of bringing our community together.
Carol Gottesman Testimonial
When I first heard about TimeBanking, I was very impressed with the concept. I found that it expanded my awareness of how I could reach out to people in my own neighborhood. When I was going out of town I found a neighbor who was very willing to water my garden for me. She transported people to airports, so I hired her to do that for me. When I returned home she had some physical challenges, so I offered to do a Touch for Health testing and balancing to put her body back in the normal healing mode and speed up her healing. We have become walking partners in the neighborhood.
I started coming to TimeBanking get togethers, and found them enjoyable and informative. I recognized people there that I had seen in the community and had an opportunity to get to know them. Tony Budak was very helpful in explaining the TimeBanking concept with no pressure to join. It gave me an opportunity to explore the possibilities for myself. I found that I was sharing the concept with others and engaging them in conversation around how it could be beneficial to them. The friend, who had originally shared the TimeBanking brochure with me, became involved in the Youth Court project, which is a very worthwhile community project. She recently joined TimeBanking herself, and I did also. I was talking with another neighbor who would like to join me at our next community exchange get together.
Creating community and reaching out to one another brings about a feeling of connectedness that is missing in these times. Helping one another and knowing that others are there for you when you need them helps to decrease feelings of anxiety and isolation. Its a good feeling being a part of an organization that honors everyone for their skills and contributions.