Welcome to the Professions’ Network of the Deep Adaptation Forum: an international space to connect and collaborate with other professionals who are exploring implications of a near-term societal collapse due to climate change. There is no need to wait for your fellow professionals to wake up to our predicament. Through this free forum, you can join regular webinars, seek advice and co-create shared resources for your field of expertise.
Only together might we extend the glide and soften the fall. If you are starting on integrating your awareness of likely near-term collapse into your personal, professional and political life, then this forum is for you. – Professor Jem Bendell, originator of the Deep Adaptation concept.
I’m happy to talk about adapting to the climate. Please CLICK the following to set up a time to talk. All my contact info is here: https://pickatime.acuityscheduling.com/
Tony Budak