In Search of Time Bank ChampionsCoreLeaders

A Time Bank community can’t be delivered to you like a pizza.
If you care at all about Co-Creating a community, consider the following:

Our Time Bank is a member driven organization which needs every member’s participation to help keep it flourishing.  We are asking for each member to contribute at least 12 hours per year of community service to help administer T B M W per year. That’s one hour per month.

If you would like to participate more directly in TBMW’s growth as a Champion of Time Banking, please choose one or more of the following functions you would work on. Or log in to your account and click “Groups” followed by what project suits you. For any concerns EMAIL Dawn Dominic or CALL to talk about the service gift you are willing to offer.

  1. Outreach, Membership Expansion, Help Administer Our Join Process,  Marketing / PR
  2. Organizational Membership Development (Merchant, Faith, School, etc.) Exchange Match Maker Team
  3. Connect Members with Ads & Requests
  4. Postmasters, Logging and Editing Exchanges between Members and for TBMW Events
  5. New Member Orientations Team, Help Conduct Introduction Sessions on Time Banking
  6. New Member Buddy (help new members navigate and learn about Time Banking)
  7. Newsletter Contributor, Article Writer, Editor
  8. Sunshine Committee Team, Greeters, Nurture Member Participation/Enthusiasm
  9. Assist with Writing and Editing Procedures, Member Guides, Handbooks, Training Materials
  10. Guardian Angel – Help Members without Internet Access
  11. Sharing Economy Support (help manage web pages, inventory lists, field questions)
  12. Event Committee Member, Help Develop and Promote Events
  13. Assist with Financial Reporting, Dues Management, and Fundraising Activities
  14. Deal Maker, Host and/or Provide Places/Locations for TBMW Events (meetings, potlucks, etc.)
  15. Assist Potluck Coordinator (theming, setup, meal prep, lead activities/games, cleanup, etc.)
  16. Support Team for Time & Talent database, Help Desk, Computer Buddy
  17. Contribute to TBMW’s Web Site Design, Add/Enhance Content
  18. Site Admin / Tech Team / CMS Customization / Featurization
  19. Participate on TBMW’s Champion / Leader Team 
  20. Invite your neighbors, community, or town to implement a Time Bank program
  21. Otherwise – What’s your preference?

Together we’ll keep our community operating optimally for you and every member. Do a task from this list to be a Time Bank Champion. Thank you for helping TBMW serve you and our community better!

For More Info, CALL Tony Budak, 330-716-2722 or EMAIL –

Or Just CLICK the following to PICK A TIME?

Thanks for creating our tomorrows,