Dear Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to an emerging community of practice.
The Learning Network is Raising the Value of Learning
by the application of time currency to community learning activities
Drop In –
September 29, 2020, Tuesday, at 10 am CST / 11am EST
- Download Zoom for audio/video and then close it.
- Go to our event page and enter a guest username.
- Click “Join Video”
- Welcome (Tony)
- Orient to tech
- Mindful Opening (Beth)
- Summary
- ‘Raising the Value of Learning’ considers the beginning of a
new ‘learning currency’, created by the agreement of different
players in the ‘learning system’ to give and receive time,
recorded in the form of ‘Time to Learn Credits’ (TLCs).
- ‘Raising the Value of Learning’ considers the beginning of a
- Check in Question (Divide into breakout rooms if the group is more than 9 or so.)
- Name. How did you come to RVL? What do you want/ need
from a “Community of Practice” to stay engaged and be creative?
- Name. How did you come to RVL? What do you want/ need
- Activity/ Focus/ Intention/ Creation: Building Community
- What are you currently doing with RVL?
- Determine Next Steps
- Where do we want to go from here?
- Action Items and Accountability
- For next week we will…
- Optimistic Closing
- One word or a phrase to describe the experience today.
Stay Safe – Stay Well,
Cheers, Beth,Tony, Gwen