We’ll be at the
Hubbard Public Library (MAP)

436 W Liberty St, Hubbard, Ohio

Tony Budak will facilitate discussion twice
this month based on Leigh Brackett’s
science fiction novel, The Long Tomorrow.

First, on Monday, March 9, 6 PM
We’ll share and discuss labor unions and their impact.
Second, on Thursday, March 12, 6 PM
We’ll learn about time as a measure of currency.

Then on Saturday, March 21, 9:30 – 3 PM
Hubbard’s Mini ShareFest Fix-It Café
CLICK & scroll down for event details at

CLICK above dates at Hubbard Library’s Calendar


Monday, March 23 I hope you will join Time Banks
members from around the globe as we celebrate
International Time Banking Day and TimeBank USA
Founder, Edgar Cahn’s Birthday. Watch for updates at
for program details and upcoming events!